Core Connections | Expand Your Network
Over the years, you would have developed a circle of individuals around you, your trusted friends, advisors and colleagues. It is vital to continue to build on this group adding additional people who may be able to help you attain your goals more efficiently and faster. Expanding your circle is not all that difficult; the first step is to ask your current connections if they have any suggestions on who you need to know that would help you in your current role or attain your goals moving forward. Secondly, I encourage you to reach out to individuals on LinkedIn who you would like to get to know. When sending them an invite, add a brief note explaining your ‘why.’
I try to have conversations with at least ten new people weekly, and I walk my talk – I reach out to individuals recommended and connect through LinkedIn. LinkedIn had it right when they broke down their connections into 1st, 2nd and 3rd-degree levels. I am sure you have heard of the infamous six degrees of separation. It is a theory based on the premise that even though we live in a world of 7.6 billion people, in all likely hood we are only six degrees (or less) away from someone that we want to connect to. The idea is that we are all connected in some way, through personal or professional acquaintances, and if you want to communicate with a specific person, then you start by telling all you know of your request, and it goes on from there.
The thought of ‘networking’ often gives individuals a level of anxiety. I want to help you develop a different outlook on ‘networking,’ and during this time of COVID, I have felt it to be easier than it ever has been (yes, I really do mean that!)
The majority of my clients do not come from my social media feed, advertising or marketing but through referrals. The referrals primarily come from my circle of connectors (or circle of influence around me); they have gotten to know me well and readily refer people to me when they see a fit.

Jenny Reilly Consulting – June Challenge
June Challenge
Set a simple goal of initiating a meeting with two new people weekly (phone call, zoom or depending on where you live, an in-person connection). If you fail one week, don’t stop or lose your momentum; reach out to two more people and start again.
Be curious – ask questions rather than talk about yourself
Be generous – share your contacts or resources that may help the individual in their role
Be teachable – if the individual has a new or different opinion than yours, listen and learn
We can help you with your professional development or provide tailored executive coaching that can help support your leadership or your leadership team, please reach out to to schedule a convenient time for a complimentary strategy session.
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