Leadership Style | What makes a good leader?

Leadership Management | What makes a good leader? - Jenny Reilly Consulting

Leadership Function and Style

Every leader’s #1 function is (or should be) to communicate, engage and motivate others towards a vision. Leadership style, on the other hand, is unique to an individual and can significantly vary. There are leadership style elements that effective leaders possess, including:

  • authenticity, 
  • decisiveness, 
  • focus, 
  • strong verbal and written communication skills, 
  • excellent hard and soft people skills, and 
  • the ability to always be looking forward with energy and positivity.

One of the biggest challenges that many face within an organization is the frustration around a leader’s inconsistencies. I mean what individuals are told versus how the leader acts. If a leader is inconsistent and does not ‘walk the talk,’ the business suffers, the people are not actively engaged nor working to their best, and lack of business growth and profit loss are a direct result.

Effective leaders:

    • Live by their values as simply as they breathe. 
    • Authentically lead, transparently communicate, execute on the action, and are consistently focused on moving the vision of the business forward.
    • Walk the talk and are exceptional role models.
    • Act decisively, however, are not inflexible. They are willing to pivot or adjust upon new information or circumstances. Shoulder poor decisions, and always share the credit when good decisions are made. 
    • Focus on one priority at a time with full attention. 
    • Manage their time, and recognize time is finite.  
    • Treat each day as a new day. Have a focus on continuous professional improvement, are curious, and love to learn.
    • Provide their personal touch with every interaction. They talk to people, ask for their feedback, and are visible (even if only on zoom due to the pandemic). 
    • Demonstrate self-discipline and the will to do what it takes, no matter how hard, until they achieve their desired outcome.

‘Life is too short to focus on things and people that you are not enjoying.’

~ Jenny Reilly

3 Leadership Questions to Answer:

  1. Do you have the right people in your team/business? If you have less than 90% of the right people on your team, that becomes your #1 priority. 
  2. Are your people on their A-game? If not, the decision is either to develop, replace, or move the person to an alternate position better suited to their strengths and capabilities. 
  3. What is the number one metric you look at weekly? This should be the #1 weekly agenda item to discuss first and focus on. It could be your cash flow, sales, service levels, product development…the objective is to have your #1 priority the first thing you always focus on and discuss.

Leadership tips:

  • Trust your team. A value cannot be ‘respect’ when you do not trust your colleagues.
  • Make decisions. Indecisiveness is paralyzing.
  • Know your top three priorities and consistently communicate on them.
  • Be precise, not irresolute. Imprecision is confusing.
  • Be consistent in what you say and how you say it.
  • Show humility, not indignancy. 

Proven Leadership Tactics:

  • When not attaining your expected results, make a conscious effort to change how you are doing things. Focus on improving, being more effective, and attaining increased results.
  • Be focused and systematic in your approach to learning efficiently. Improve your knowledge of services and products, the current market, technologies, processes and systems, organizational culture and internal politics that require attention.
  • Always match your strategy to the situation and do not take any shortcuts. What worked in the past does not mean it will be effective in the current situation. 
  • Identify strategic opportunities to add value and improve bottom-line results. 
  • Improve working relationships by setting and managing expectations.
  • Be the architect of alignment. Ensure structure fits strategy and that you are focusing on the right things.
  • Evaluate and mobilize team members. Build your team and be strategic in developing strengths and capabilities.
  • Identify individuals (inside and outside the business) who will support and mentor you, call you on areas of challenge and motivate you to take action on opportunities. 
  • Maintain your equilibrium and balance in both your professional and personal life. A more balanced approach enables you to focus better, not lose perspective and make better decisions.

You are only as strong as your weakest link. When you start feeling like you are in a rut or losing momentum or motivation, it is time to try one or more of the above actions to help you kickstart getting back onto the right track. 

Leadership To Do’s

  • Assess each business situation independently
  • Define and communicate your business intent
  • Establish your priorities
  • Act deliberately on strategic priorities
  • Secure early wins
  • Build your team
  • Develop alliances

If you are interested in learning about professional leadership development or executive coaching can help support your leadership or your leadership team, please reach out to askme@jennyreilly.com to schedule a convenient time for a complimentary strategy session.

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