
Team Member Development

Team Member Development - Jenny Reilly Consulting - Executive Coaching - Vancouver - Canada

As we near year-end, after you have conducted your quarter 4 review and set your intentions for 2022, I encourage you to list each person in your team or small business and connect with each one of them. This discussion is not an annual review but a check-in on their professional development progress. If you had identified professional development training or areas of focused development previously, then check in on progress or completion and outcomes. If not, use this time to identify the individual’s technical or soft skills gap and define an improvement plan. Professional development does not have to involve time away from the job. It can be as simple as the following:

  • Hold a lunch and learn on defined topics requiring attention. The topic should address a bottleneck or choke point in a process or the operations, at the beginning of the session plot where individuals rank their knowledge and again at the end of the session.
  • Reference a relevant book, podcast, or online training session (e.g., LinkedIn Learning module) that will assist. Ask the individual when they can finish the item and set up a time to follow up in their schedule and discuss their takeaways and how they can be implemented in their position.
  • Have a standing agenda item on the individuals one-to-one to ensure the topic identified is actioned.
  • Discuss professional development themes that can be a focus for each quarter in 2022. 
  • Implement a daily huddle with the team for a maximum of 15 minutes to focus on priorities, discuss challenges and obstacles and determine an action plan to move forward.

If you can encourage and practice having a desire to learn and be better in one position, in addition to demonstrating action and relentless follow-through, team members will develop and be encouraged to always be on the lookout for how to do things better and improve.

If you want to learn more about, leadership, team member development, and executive coaching for you, your team, and your business, reach out to askme@jennyreilly.com or schedule a convenient time for a complimentary strategy session via Jenny Reilly Consulting Calendly.

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