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Stop the continuous ‘grind’!

Stop the continuous ‘hustle’! - JENNY REILLY CONSULTING

Are you in continuous ‘grind’ mode –working long hours, not eating nor sleeping well, not taking breaks to refresh and relax, and feeling as though you are under continuous pressure?  Working like this does not increase your productivity or results; it often has the opposite effect. If you are on a continuous ‘grind’ on  the treadmill going uphill, you will inevitably burn out. 


We are now more than ever always connected and easily accessible. Instilling some boundaries to our personal and home time is essential as otherwise, the overlap becomes seamless, and little time is spent on self-care, relationships, and personal growth.

Are you in continuous grind mode? - Jenny Reilly Consulting - Executive Coaching



When you are more rested, you simply get more done. You have more energy, are more efficient, and can think and act clearly through a problem to resolution. Refuel with healthy food and try to have three meals per day, at least five hours apart. Reduce your sugar intake and try to eat clean. Combined with a healthy diet, exercise can help restore your body. 


Enabling periods in your schedule to plan and think daily is worth your investment of time. At the end of the day, reflect on what was accomplished, record it, and prioritize your top three focus areas for the day ahead.


Through COVID, we relied more on social media than we have in the past to stay in contact. Unfortunately, it is also a great time suck, so challenge yourself daily to reduce your time on social media continually.  It is now time to spend quality time reconnecting in-person to develop your professional and personal relationships. These in-person relationships will inspire, reinvigorate, and motivate us to think bigger, be better, and be happier. 


We have all been victims of our own continuous ‘grind’ mode. We hear these great ideas that we know will benefit us; however, putting them into action can be the hardest part to implement. So, let’s consider the consequences of taking this advice, that extra hour you take to recharge you could pay it back to your business, client, or personal endeavour threefold because you’re more invigorated, less stressed, and more focused on the outcome. It’s a Win-Win!


Stop the continuous grind and ensure you get more rest. Reflect on your daily accomplishments and target priorities for the day ahead. Decrease your social media time and reconnect in person. Eat well and be active; this will help restore your mind and body.


We can help you with your professional development or provide tailored executive coaching that can help support your leadership or your leadership team, please reach out to askme@jennyreilly.com to schedule a convenient time for a complimentary strategy session.

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