Leadership Resilience

Crucial Characteristic In Today’s Complex Marketplace.

I was in correspondence with a C-Suite Executive last week. This is a leader who I hold in high regard for his breadth of knowledge and vast experience running a multinational organization recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies.

We were discussing leadership challenges. One in particular incorporated a significant legal component. Through the discussion, we spoke of our different experiences, the importance of resilience and standing firm on our values.

He made a positive comment on my demonstrated level of resilience and it motivated me to share with you this topic today.

  • Are you a resilient leader?
  • What does resilience mean to you?
  • Do you acknowledge obstacles as they arise, seek clarity and input from different perspectives before dealing with the situation?
  • If you are under attack or challenged by individuals, are you able to remain emotionally composed?
  • Are you able to shift an obstacle into a possibility for change?

Leadership resilience is not something that is normally corporately prioritized, however, is crucial to leadership success. Global thought-leaders on the topic acknowledge that leaders and organizations need to be more agile and adaptive than ever before. In order to be successful, it is imperative to rebound after a setback.

A group of middle managers recently asked me how they could develop their professional resilience.

They did not quite understand how professional resilience could be nurtured and were really struggling with why it was an important attribute for success. I explained that in my experience, resilient leaders are often referred to as “tough”. However, they are more often than not, focused, engaged, have a strong value base and exceptional work ethic. When they encounter obstacles, they show resilience and grit in moving forward in a purposeful way.

They are transparent, seek input and clarification with the goal of solving the problem. Resilient leaders understand and appreciate that seeking and hearing different perspectives assists them in making informed decisions. The process that a resilient leader goes through when faced with a challenge is one that can be broken down and learned.

Individuals who lead by title alone, perceived personal authority or superiority by the level of degrees they hold, do not win in the long term. They deplete others’ confidence in their leadership ability, lose power and ultimately respect.

Sound resilience advice from the seasoned, C-Suite leader:  “Adversity is a Wonderful Gift”.

I embrace the adverse leadership situations I have been in over the last 25 years and encourage you to do the same. The most challenging professional situations that I have dealt with are those that involve opposing values. Working with others who have polar opposite values, and/or those that did not align with the corporate mission were exceptionally difficult.

I am proud to be a resilient leader. I have continuously reflected, improved and built upon my leadership style. I know what works and most importantly, what doesn’t work.  Leadership development is a journey. Effective leadership requires a lifelong commitment to continual practice and progress.

Supporting and guiding leaders in their challenges, development, growth, and transformation, is something that I am very passionate about. On July 1, 2018, I am launching the LEADERS CIRCLE membership for experienced leaders who want to revitalize their leadership style, boost personal performance and attain productivity levels for themselves and their team that they have not had in the past.

Are you interested in developing your resilience and leadership capabilities?