Attitude is everything – smile for success!


Do you have the right attitude? Are you perceived as open, approachable and communicative?

I want you to think of one leader that you admire. Ready? This individual has the uncanny ability to be comfortable in any situation and always comes across as having a positive attitude. They have an aura of confidence that enables those around them to feel that all is in their control. They are authentic, honest, competent, kind and know how to put others at ease in their presence. Now, isn’t that how you want others to perceive you in your leadership role?

The leader that I admire professionally is a CEO that has an exceptional attitude and possesses the characteristics outlined above. He always greets with a smile, is a great role model and mentor to his employees, and is known for his positive, engaging attitude. He has a wonderful persona and, in all honesty, is an all-round nice guy. He is in a cut-throat, highly demanding business; however, I have never seen him be anything but composed and genuinely interested and passionate about what he is doing. He makes eye contact, ensures when he is speaking to someone that they have his undivided attention, asks questions and seems genuinely interested in others responses. He is humble and not frightened to make fun of himself to make others feel more relaxed, and always so very, very calm with an inspiring demeanor. Now, that being said, he does make the hard calls and decisions; however, it is all in how he delivers his message that emphasizes his business acumen and competence.Attitude counts! Having the right attitude means coming across positively, holding your head high, engaging in conversation and smiling. Being upbeat and thinking about what you say before you say it – words have implications, so use them wisely. Attitude, skill, competence, emotional intelligence, resilience and reliability are all key areas of success in a leadership position. You need to follow through, do what you say you will do and when you will do it. Effective leaders give 100% effort on a task at hand, and don’t procrastinate or shy away from a difficult or confrontational situation.

You need to practice these traits day in and day out for consistency and continual improvement – they just don’t happen miraculously. And remember, what you exhibit is what your team will reflect – so team performance and morale will improve with your good example.

How can you remain ‘on’ in your professional and personal life from morning till night while retaining a positive attitude? How can you ensure that you will be engaged at every event and show up professionally, with competence and a stellar attitude? What standards do you have around attitude?

It is time to do a ‘temperature check’ on your attitude today? How would you rate yourself?

Attitude can be negatively impacted by stress. Stay tuned for an upcoming post on STRESS MANAGEMENT. It could be the game changer for your attitude!