
Leadership from 10,000 Feet: A Bird’s Eye View of Your Business Can Change Your Practices


Last month, I went on a Tandem Skydive; the last time I had done this was 29 years ago with nine work colleagues and friends in Australia. Fast-forward to 2020, where my 18-year-old son and one of his friends were talking about Skydiving. I shared that I would love to do it again with them and, and before we knew it, there were seven of us going along for the thrill, including my daughter.


Ironically, I had been talking to my kids about my desire to cross something off my bucket list this summer as we could not travel nor go back to Australia for our annual family visit. I had romanticized about having a Vespa; however, my children did not like the idea of their 52-year-old mother (and I must admit not the most coordinated individual) riding a Vespa around Vancouver and thought that it was far too dangerous. At the back of my mind, I thought if I could show them that I could jump out of a plane, that they would be a little more comfortable with their mother on a scooter. Wrong! Now you may wonder why I am sharing this story. What has jumping out of a plane or riding a Vespa got to do with leadership? Well, let me explain and put this into perspective for you… note the word choice ‘perspective’.




Over the last five months, we have all been challenged in how we look at life professionally and personally as we navigate through the effects of COVID19. Professionally my perspective on how I operate my business, to how I provide my consulting and coaching services to my clients, to personally how I interact with family and friends has shifted significantly. My perspective on my professional and personal priorities, where I am focusing the majority of my time, and my desire to enjoy opportunities (that I can coordinate through a period of social distancing) has changed.


So, let me get back to Skydiving. Some of you may be familiar with the cliché leadership phase that was used extensively in the early 2000s, around the proverbial ‘30,000-foot view’ that leaders were encouraged to take in their positions. The 30,000-foot reference is that of the typical cruising altitude of a commercial jet. Productivity guru Dave Allen popularized this aviation reference to remind leaders to focus on what they needed and wanted to accomplish within 12 -24-month period, and the productive action required to make it happen. I have taken the liberty and tweaked the 30,000-foot reference to make it 10,000 feet, that of which our plane was at when we did our Tandem Skydive. At 10,000 feet looking down, it is a great visual reminder to look at the bigger picture (professionally and personally). At 10,000 feet, the details below are clear, and you cannot get ‘stuck in the weeds, (meaning details or complexities) as you can’t even see them. Even when going through a cloud, there is a short period of full enclosure, and then when you come out the other side all opens up– much like what happens continuously on the professional and personal front through life.




In this time of COVID, we have had to spend considerable time in the weeds; by that, I mean the day-to-day tactical operations of our businesses to ensure we get through this challenging time. In Vancouver, we are now six months into the pandemic, and at this time, fearful of rising numbers. We mustn’t lose sight of our big picture vision; this is essential to stay on track. Having a 10,000-foot view is helpful as we can build on existing practices and processes and determine additional measures that may need to be put in place to navigate a looming second full lockdown. Continual focus on how we provide value to our clients, support our employees, and focus on the long game of the business is required. Looking at your business from a 10,000-foot view enables you to evaluate internal capabilities, potential challenges, opportunities, and put a road map for success into place that will help you determine what action is required to get to your destination.


How will you clarify what needs to be done in critical areas of your business, ensure objective focus, or look at issues like:


  • Communication Challenges
  • Human Resource Constraints
  • Leadership Issues
  • Operational Changes, or
  • Process Optimization Strategies

EVALUATING A SITUATION: Different Perspectives

The objective evaluation of a situation enables us to gain clarity from all perspectives. How we gather information, evaluate data, conduct a S.W.O.T. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis and determine potential tactics that could be implemented to alleviate stressors can have a significant impact on our business. Evaluating the state of our business enables a better plan, comprehensive consideration of opportunities and challenges, and helps put in place plans to avoid threats to the business. Measurement and analysis of your numbers help define how you can improve every aspect of your business.

A BIRD’S EYE VIEW of Your business

So just as I had the opportunity to have a bird’s eye view of what was around me at 10,000 on the Skydive, how will you ensure you get an objective view of your business situation and learn from it? From efficiencies to profitability and sustainability during a challenging economic period, this reality check helps you lay the stage for the work needed ahead and the determination of core areas of focus. Leadership, like Skydiving, requires trust, tenacity, courage, and a willingness to take a giant leap.


I encourage you to:

  • Look at your business situation with a fresh perspective
  • Determine critical factors for both success and failure
  • Evaluate how you can improve and drive business outcomes to help you move faster towards your goals
  • Take on new challenges with enthusiasm
  • Readjust your schedule to focus on your strategic focus
  • Demonstrate tenacious courage, and be relentless in your commitment to action to move forward.


If you are interested in connecting to learn more about how Jenny Reilly Consulting can help you assess where you are strategically, regain focus, or how to move forward towards your goal attainment, please reach out to


In closing, I would like to shout out to the fabulous owners and staff of Vancouver Skydiving If you have had Skydiving on your bucket list for a while, why wait any longer go for a jump! Skydive Vancouver did a phenomenal job of ensuring that we followed strict COVID safety protocols during our flight up to the jumping altitude, as we were strapped onto our instructor through the whole jump, through freefall to under the canopy and landing.