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Tactics to Help You in Periods of Professional Transitions

Do you find yourself answering “YES” to any of the questions below?

  • Are you making or thinking about a career transition this year?
  • Are you in the process of turning your business, department, or team around?
  • Have you recently been promoted and struggling to determine what to focus on first?
  • Are you considering a move into a different area of the business or a geographical move in your job?
  • Are you in the position where you now lead some of your former peers?

Your professional life is made up of one transition after another. All professional transitions provides you with the ability to shine, falter or fail. Shine, and you will advance. Falter, and you may lose the credibility and trust of your colleagues. Fail, and you may not recover if you don’t have the right attitude or outlook to learn from your mistakes and move forward.

‘What got you here won’t get you there.’
~ Marshall Goldsmith

 Steps to Help During Professional Transitions

  1. Determine what you need to learn – fast. How does the company, unit or team operate? Who has influence and why? What internal and external alliances can help support you in your role?
  2. Identify your ‘A’ priorities. Along with A priorities, integrate changes that need to be made in the structure and processes to increase efficiency, productivity and the triple bottom line.
  3. Outline your vision, goals and strategic intent in the position. Be communicative and transparent.
  4. Build your team. If you are taking over leading a team, evaluate your people. Determine if they are in the right seat, need development or are not a good fit.
  5. Focus on early wins. Identify the most pressing weaknesses and make the necessary changes to turn those around. This will help you build credibility in your position.

‘ You only know what you know.’
~ Loretta Swit

If you have any questions about professional transitions or want to learn more on the powerful benefits of executive coaching to elevate your success, please contact us or reach out directly to and book a complimentary 30-minute strategy session.



Transitions into lead roles are critical, and for those transitioning, this time can be challenging and stressful as you prove yourself to your colleagues and team. Try some of the following tactics over your first 90 days in your new role to alleviate some of this stress.

  1. Do your research and prepare yourself – get to know those in your team and whom you report to and understand their expectations and thoughts on what success will look like for you in the role. Your initial interactions form first impressions, so think carefully about the foundations to lay to create positive connections within your team, with peers and stakeholders.
  2. Observe, learn, and ask questions – find out who has and where to find information is half the challenge. To accelerate your transition, be focused and systematic in deciding what you will learn and how to do this efficiently.
  3. Build relationships – observe and be mindful of who is setting the tone, who is processed based, the go-to for answers, the motivator… this will help you strategize more effectively and build on the team dynamics. The easiest way to do this is to have brief ‘getting to know you’ calls to learn as much as possible.
  4. Manage expectations – through regular communication, organized team status meeting and 1:2:1’s. Working virtually requires more intentionality in coordinating and facilitating productive discussions. Highlight areas of focus: execution tactics on goals, what has been accomplished, what is currently being worked on, what is on, and not to schedule, what pivots or areas have been put on hold due to other pressing priorities, what opportunities and challenges you should be aware of in your role.
  5. Demonstrate your leadership capacity and show problem-solving and strategic thinking skills. Whether you are inheriting a team or building a new team, it is vital to evaluate, align and motivate your team members. Sometimes, some tough decisions need to be made; don’t procrastinate. Your ability to have the right people in the correct team positions is imperative for your team’s success.
  6. Don’t take on too much too quickly. You initially need time to understand the landscape, and you do not want to over-extend yourself to prove a point before competently taking care of your regular duties.
  7. Focus on your goals and how you can strategically attain them. Look for low-hanging fruit and quick, easy wins to build your credibility, motivate action and engagement.

What worked in your old team does not necessarily mean it will work in your current team. Rethink how you lead, what you delegate and how you can create a level of influence that will assist you in building and sustaining alliances. Be aware of your leadership presence, how you are being perceived against how you want to be perceived and the type of leadership brand you want to have in your role. Business orientation, stakeholder connection and expectations alignment will significantly assist you in accelerating your transition and overcoming roadblocks over the first 90 days. 

If you would like more information on leadership tactics and tips when transitioning into a role, I can be contacted at +1-604-616-1967 or If you want monthly leadership tips, sign up to my JRC newsletter for top leadership advice throughout the year.