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Setting the Tone for Success in 2024

Goal Setting and Planning:

If you have not already communicated your goals for 2024 to your team, it is time to do so. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of setting clear, measurable, and achievable goals for yourself, the team and individual employees. As important as it is to have professional goals, your personal goals should hold equal weight. I do this exercise annually and revisit the goals quarterly to check in on progress made and determine if a pivot needs to be made.

Key Takeaway: Regularly revisit and adapt goals to align with your evolving priorities and aspirations.

Building Resilience:

Resilience is a crucial leadership trait in our current political and economic climate. Consider sharing strategies for building resilience in the face of challenges, such as promoting a growth mindset, fostering open communication, and providing resources for managing stress within your team. Highlight the importance of empathy in supporting employees’ well-being during uncertain times.

Key Takeaway: Promote a resilient mindset by encouraging your team to view challenges as opportunities for growth.

Remote Team Management:

Roughly 50% of my clients are remote workers globally, and with remote and hybrid work becoming the norm for many, providing specific tools and techniques for leaders to motivate and engage their remote teams is top of mind. A focus on maintaining team cohesion, leveraging technology for seamless communication, and fostering a positive remote work culture is required to lead a successful remote team.

Practical Action: Implement practices that enhance team connection and well-being in the virtual work environment.

Professional Development:

Prioritize the professional development of your teams in 2024. Share resources and strategies for providing ongoing learning opportunities, coaching and mentorship. Consider incorporating insights, identifying individual development needs, and creating personalized development plans to help employees grow and thrive.


Reach out today to learn more about how Jenny Reilly Consulting can help you with your 2024 goals. You can book a complimentary 30-minute  consultation.  Or, please email to coordinate a convenient consultation time.