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Enhancing Your Leadership Perception Among Colleagues

As a leader, you must know how your colleagues perceive your leadership ability. Positive perceptions can build trust and respect, while negative perceptions may hinder your effectiveness. Here are some tips to work on strengthening your leadership perception:

  1. Active Listening: Demonstrate a genuine interest in your colleagues’ ideas and concerns. Actively listen to their feedback and show empathy. People who feel heard are more likely to view you as approachable and supportive.
  2. Transparency and Communication: Be transparent in your decision-making process and communicate openly with your team. Keep them informed about significant developments and changes. Transparent leaders are often perceived as trustworthy and honest.
  3. Lead by Example: Set the tone by displaying the values and behaviours you expect from your team. Lead with integrity and be consistent in your actions. Your colleagues will take notice and respect you for practicing what you preach.
  4. Seek Feedback and Act on It: Encourage your colleagues to provide constructive feedback on your leadership style. Use this feedback as a tool for growth and improvement. When your team sees that you value their input, they will view you as receptive to change and development.
  5. Collaborate and Empower: Involve your colleagues in decision-making and delegate tasks according to their strengths. Empowering your team members fosters a sense of ownership and boosts their confidence in your leadership.

Remember, leadership perception takes time to develop, so be patient and persistent. By proactively working on your leadership image, you can positively influence your colleagues’ perception and strengthen your impact as a leader.

If you want more information or support in strengthening your leadership perception,  you can book a complimentary 30-minute  consultation to find out how Jenny Reilly Consulting can help you. Or, please email to coordinate a convenient consultation time.

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The Importance of Transitions

“It is when we are in transition that we are most completely alive.”
— William Bridges

This quote from William Bridges emphasizes the importance of transitions in our personal and professional lives. While some transitions can be challenging to prepare for, they can also give us energy, motivation, and inspiration. How we react during a change is critical to our success as leaders. We must focus on our leadership traits and how we react in different situations, primarily how we handle stress and unpredictability.

It’s essential to listen first, act consistently, and communicate transparently.

Here are some tips to keep in mind during a transition:

  • FOCUS on the next best step you can make and act on it.
  • THINK about the consequences of what you say and how you say it – before opening your mouth.
  • LISTEN to your team, ask questions, and be curious.
  • USE facts to back up your perceptions.
  • INVEST in what will put you in a better position to improve productivity.
  • CREATE a one-page document that includes your vision, values, strategy pillars, and targets – this will help you remain focused on what is critical to the triple bottom line and not get sidetracked.
  • FOCUS on what you are good at and what you can get results on that no one else can – delegate everything else, and don’t get stuck in the minutia.

Remember to be conscious of your time management, the talent you are surrounded by, and your operating rhythm to ensure you spend time on what matters most. Conduct a weekly review and preview of your priorities to stay on track and focus time quarterly on organizational operational and strategic issues.

Transitions can be challenging but can also be opportunities for growth and success. Embrace the change, focus on what you can control, and lead with clarity and purpose.

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
— John C. Maxwell

If you have any questions or want to learn more on the powerful benefits of executive coaching to elevate your success, please contact us or reach out directly to and book a complimentary 30-minute strategy session.



Leaders Watched Globally and Evaluated – the US Presidential Election

The US Presidential Election

Were you like me last night, glued to the votes rolling in for Biden and Trump? Nerve-racking, shocking, depressing… should I go on about the US Presidential Election.  This morning at dawn, TV back on for an update? 


This process has been fascinating to watch. We have witnessed leadership attributes, many questionable against what we as a society deem as qualities of a good leader.


There is extensive leadership theory to draw upon, in addition to one’s own leadership experiences, working with, or evaluating from afar what we deem as positive or negative leadership characteristics. 


US Presidential Election


Leader Characteristics

You may agree or disagree with the following characteristics; however, bear with me:


  1. An individual acting only in their interest 
  2. Bulling and belittling
  3. Continually interrupting
  4. Ego driven
  5. Evoking violence and racism 
  6. Fabricating and lying
  7. Going off on unfounded tangents
  8. Incompetent
  9. Ridiculing, demeaning and abusing
  10. Scandalous 
  1. Credible and competent
  2. Demonstrates integrity
  3. Empathetic
  4. Excellent communicator
  5. Honest, transparent and trustworthy
  6. Innovative with a focus on continuous learning and improvement
  7. Positive influence with the aim of making a positive impact 
  8. Respectful
  9. Self-Aware 
  10. Value-driven, with a compelling ‘why’


Even though we are living through a global pandemic, global warming, increasing terrorism, natural resource scarcity, and an imploding economy – the ridiculousness of some of the leadership antics watched leading up to the election captured more of the spotlight.


Leadership Context

Although leadership context changes over time, fundamentally, specific practices, actions, and behaviours remain essentially the same that demonstrate healthy and robust leadership practices. I believe an exceptional leader ‘walks the talk’ and leads by example. They can articulate their ‘why’ and promote a shared vision. Leaders acknowledge that the journey is one of continuous learning, and they endeavour to do better and be better.  Engaging and motivating leaders encourage individuals to step up, not be frightened of failure and persevere. 

US Presidential Election


US Presidential Election Announcement

So, as we await the final US Presidential Election announcement of 2020, please don’t lose track of how you want to lead and be perceived by your peers and colleagues. 

  • Credibility is foundational – this is one non-negotiable. A useful mnemonic to remember is DWYSYWD Do What You Say You Will Do – it is that simple.


  • Values speak volumes and drive commitment in organizations. Values are what you care about and how you operate as a leader – what are yours?


  • Forward-looking with a long-term focus enables leaders to identify optimistic possibilities. What are your leadership goals for the remainder of the year and 2021?


  • Trust in your leadership capabilities and competence is essential.  Developing trust will help you get things done, develop and nurture relationships, bring people together cohesively, and be a cornerstone of your brand. Trust comes from demonstrating leadership traits such as clear and analytical communication, consistent behaviour and being open and candid. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), where would you rank the trust that others have in your leadership capabilities and competence? What areas can you focus on improving?


As we await the US Presidential Election results, remember it is not over till it is over — stay tuned!