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Key Negotiation Skills and Strategies For Successful Leadership

In leadership, negotiation skills go beyond being a mere asset; they form the very cornerstone of success. Whether your aim is to secure crucial resources for your team or adeptly navigate conflicts, the ability to negotiate effectively can distinguish between leadership that merely manages and leadership that excels.

Let’s explore key negotiation strategies and how honing these skills can elevate your leadership effectiveness.


Cultivate and communicate a clear and inspiring vision to help guide and motivate your team. Be transparent in the issues and challenges you are focused on solving together.

Leadership Impact:

  • Strengthening team cohesion.
  • Fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation.
  • Building trust and rapport with team members.


One of the most underestimated negotiation skills is the art of active listening. Leaders who listen attentively not only gain a deeper understanding of others’ perspectives, but also convey respect and empathy. This skill is particularly crucial in resolving conflicts where acknowledging different viewpoints lays the foundation for constructive dialogue.

Leadership Impact:

  • Enhancing communication and understanding within the team.
  • Mitigating conflicts through empathetic engagement.
  • Demonstrating genuine interest in team members’ concerns.

“Embrace the power of listening with the intent to understand, not just to respond.”

Jenny Reilly


Adaptable leaders excel in negotiations as they can navigate unexpected twists and turns. Flexibility allows leaders to adjust strategies based on evolving circumstances, turning challenges into opportunities. This skill is especially valuable when negotiating in rapidly changing environments.

Leadership Impact:

  • Successfully navigating complex and dynamic situations.
  • Inspiring confidence by demonstrating adaptability.
  • Capitalizing on unforeseen opportunities.


Negotiation, like any strategic endeavor, benefits from meticulous planning. Leaders who invest time in understanding their objectives, anticipating potential obstacles, and crafting well-thought-out strategies are better positioned to achieve successful outcomes. Strategic planning also instills confidence and competence that are vital components of effective leadership.

Negotiation Strategies - Jenny Reilly Consulting, Vancouver Executive Coach

Leadership Impact:

  • Achieving targeted goals with precision.
  • Building a reputation for strategic foresight.
  • Inspiring confidence in team members through clear planning.


Leaders with high emotional intelligence navigate negotiations with finesse. Understanding and managing emotions, both their own and others’, allow leaders to create an environment conducive to open communication. Leaders who can empathize and connect on an emotional level often find it easier to influence and motivate their teams.

Leadership Impact:

  • Cultivating a positive and collaborative culture.
  • Inspiring loyalty and commitment from team members.
  • Enhancing overall team well-being and satisfaction.


Confidence is contagious, and assertiveness is a key negotiation skill that reinforces it. Leaders who can assert their needs and preferences, while respecting others’ viewpoints, command respect. This balance of assertiveness and respect forms the bedrock of influential leadership.

Leadership Impact:

  • Fostering a culture of accountability and decisiveness.
  • Gaining the respect and trust of team members.
  • Encouraging open communication and idea-sharing.


In leadership, negotiation mastery isn’t just a skill; it’s the art of turning challenges into opportunities and conflicts into collaborations. Honing negotiation skills is not just a professional development goal but a strategic imperative for leaders. Leaders can navigate negotiations with finesse by embracing collaborative problem-solving, active listening, flexibility, strategic planning, emotional intelligence, and assertiveness. These skills secure favourable outcomes and contribute to building strong, cohesive teams and establishing a leadership legacy characterized by effectiveness and influence. As you navigate the complexities of leadership, remember: The true measure of a leader lies not just in what they achieve, but in how they inspire others to achieve together.

Reach out today to learn more about how Jenny Reilly Consulting can support you in strengthening your negotiation skills. You can book a complimentary 30-minute  consultation.  Or, please email to coordinate a convenient consultation time.

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18 Ways To Unlock Powerful Leadership Skills

As leaders, we have the responsibility to guide and inspire. Here are 18 powerful leadership skills that will help you navigate the ever-changing leadership landscape successfully.

1. Ask Challenging Questions

Ask questions that ignite innovation and drive change. Challenge the status quo by asking tough questions and seeking connections between seemingly unrelated concepts. Innovation often stems from these connections.

2. Balance Work And Life

Leaders often find themselves burning the candle at both ends to stay on top of professional and personal expectations. It is crucial to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prioritize family and self-care time, as it sets an example of the value you have of your team members doing the same as well.

3. Build Trust Through Transparency

Transparency is the bedrock of trust in leadership, unlock the power of trust through open and honest communication. Share your successes and, just as importantly, your failures with your team. This vulnerability not only humanizes you but also fosters an environment where everyone feels safe to take calculated risks and learn from their experiences.

Leadership Skills - Jenny Reilly Consulting, Vancouver Executive Coaching4. Celebrate Achievements And Win

Don’t forget to celebrate achievements, both big and small. Recognize the hard work and dedication of your team members and acknowledge them publicly. Celebrations create a positive and motivating work environment.

5. Challenge The Status Quo

Don’t let outdated policies stifle innovation. Regularly evaluate and update policies as needed. Managing unconventionally and with confidence allows for adaptation and growth.

6. The Art Of Precision And Follow-Up

Leaders who shine exhibit unwavering commitment, meticulous attention to detail, and prompt follow-up. These traits not only set you apart but also inspire trust and confidence among your colleagues and team members.

7. Uncompromising Quality

Pledge to deliver nothing less than exceptional quality in all you do. Luck may play a role, but true success comes from a dedicated commitment to quality. It’s not just about chance; it’s about consistently delivering excellence in everything you do.

8. Tech Savvy Leadership

Leaders must embrace technology and adapt swiftly to stay ahead in the digital age. Stay updated on emerging trends and technologies that can enhance your organization’s efficiency and competitiveness. Be open to innovation and encourage your team to explore new tools and methodologies.

9. Your Presence Matters

Master the art of making a lasting impression through your impression and demeanor. Your appearance and posture make a significant first impression. Regardless of your industry, presenting yourself with care demonstrates your commitment to what you do and where you work. Stand tall (yes, as a vertically challenged individual standing at 5 foot 2 inches on a good day, I practice what I preach), make an effort about your physical appearance, keep your emotions in check, and always be ready to think on your feet.

10. Know Your Customers/Clients

The 80/20 rule reminds us to focus on the vital few customers who make a difference in your organization. Get to know them intimately, ask questions, and show genuine interest in their needs. It’s a strategy that pays dividends.

11. Lead By Example

Set the example that inspires others to follow. Your actions speak louder than words, and our determination will inspire those around you. What kind of leader do you want to be? Now, be that leader and demonstrate the traits you identify as key.

Leadership Skills - Jenny Reilly Consulting, Vancouver Executive Coaching12. Optimize Your Workspace

Transform your environment for peak productivity and creativity. An organized office environment boosts efficiency and creativity. When you walk into an orderly space, you’ll find it easier to maintain focus and productivity.

13. Delegation Mastery

Empower your team by mastering the art of delegation. Delegation is a hallmark of effective management. Empower your team by delegating tasks wisely, building their skills, and allowing them to advance. Remember, the ability to delegate is the trait of a good leader. It enables you to build people’s skills and allows them to advance.

14. The Power Of Observation

Embrace your leadership prowess through the art of keen observation. As leaders, our ability to read people and situations is paramount. By actively listening, observing, and being mindful of our surroundings, we can gain a profound understanding of the needs and expectations of our clients, colleagues, and staff. Remember, talking less can speak volumes.

15. Consistent Action For Success

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” — Dwayne Johnson

Unlock your potential through persistent, unwavering commitment to your goals. In the pursuit of large or complex projects, persistence is key. Every step you take brings you closer to your ultimate goal. Keep taking those steps, one day at a time, and you’ll see its difference. Persistence and continuous action will get you to your end goal more efficiently and faster.

16. Feedback Fuels Growth

Regular feedback through one-on-ones and team meetings is invaluable and can be transformative in nurturing growth. Understanding the challenges of your team members (professionally and personally), showing empathy and support and creating a workplace where mental health and well-being are a priority will increase engagement and result in retention.

17. Humility Is A Strength

Great leaders aren’t afraid to admit when they ‘don’t know,’ ‘need help,’ or were ‘wrong.’ Embrace situations with humility – a tool for growth and collaboration that not only strengthens your leadership but also fosters a culture of openness within your team.

18. Time And Organizational Management Mastery

Efficiently manage time and tasks to supercharge your productivity and effectiveness. Effective leaders manage their time and organize their tasks efficiently. Share your preferred time and organizational management systems with your team to enhance productivity.

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” – Eleanor Roosevelt


In our fast-paced working environments, these insights and reminders will help you stay ahead of the curve. As you continue your leadership journey, remember that the best leaders are always learning and evolving and are committed to growth, both personally and professionally.

If you want more information or support in strengthening your leadership skills,  you can book a complimentary 30-minute  consultation to find out how Jenny Reilly Consulting can help you. Or, please email to coordinate a convenient consultation time.

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The Power of Saying “No”

We often have a never-ending to-do list and constant requests from our team, colleagues, and stakeholders. It can be tempting to say “yes” to everything and everyone, but is that the most effective way to lead?

I love this quote by American novelist Anne Lamott:

“No is a complete sentence.”

It is a powerful reminder that you do not have to justify yourself when saying “no.” Setting and communicating clear boundaries is critical to being a successful leader. Saying ‘no’ to specific requests, projects, or collaborations can be a strategic decision that allows you to focus on your priorities and achieve goals.

Understanding the Importance of Setting Professional and Personal Boundaries in Leadership

It’s crucial to establish boundaries that help protect our well-being and enable us to achieve our goals. Two types of boundaries that leaders often set are professional and personal boundaries. While these may seem similar, there are key differences between them.

Professional boundaries are guidelines and limits leaders set to maintain appropriate relationships with colleagues, employees, and other stakeholders. These boundaries help leaders establish clear expectations for their behaviour, prevent conflicts of interest, and maintain impartiality in decision-making.

Leaders can create a healthy work environment that fosters mutual respect and trust by setting professional boundaries.

In contrast, personal boundaries are limits and guidelines individuals set to protect their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Personal boundaries help individuals maintain their autonomy, protect themselves from harm, and communicate their needs and values to others. Leaders can avoid burnout, reduce stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance by setting personal boundaries.

Power of Saying No

The main difference is their purpose and scope. As a leader, it’s essential to understand the differences between professional and personal boundaries and set them accordingly.

However, both boundaries are essential for leaders to establish and maintain their effectiveness and well-being.

By prioritizing professional and personal boundaries, leaders can become more effective and successful in their roles.

Five Techniques That Will Help You In Saying NO!

Does this resonate?

‘I have such a hard time saying no!’

Saying “no” is not a sign of weakness or indecision but rather a demonstration of your focus and commitment to your goals. By embracing the power of “no,” you can become a more effective and respected leader in your organization.

  1. Prioritization Techniques: Prioritize your tasks and responsibilities to identify which requests or projects align with your goals and values. Use tools such as the Eisenhower Matrix or the Pomodoro Technique to help you decide better what to say “yes” or “no” to.
  2. Active Listening: Practice listening when receiving a request or proposal. Ask clarifying questions to understand the scope of the project, the timeline, and the resources required. This can help you determine whether you have the capacity and expertise to do the task.
  3. Saying “NO” with Empathy and a Smile: The most straightforward way I have found to say no is with a smile and the sincerest empathy and respect. Acknowledge the value and importance of the request, thank them for the opportunity, and say’ no.’ You do not need to explain why or give excuses. If necessary, you can suggest where help may be sought.
  4. Setting Clear Boundaries: Set clear professional and personal boundaries and communicate them consistently. This can help you avoid being overwhelmed by requests or projects that do not align with your goals or values. Boundaries will also help you establish expectations about your availability and workload with your team or colleagues.
  5. Saying “NO” to Say “YES” to Something Else: View saying “no” as a strategic decision that allows you to say “yes” to something else that aligns with your goals.

The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a productivity tool that helps people prioritize their tasks based on urgency and importance. It is named after former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who famously said, “I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent.”

The matrix consists of four quadrants, each representing a different level of urgency and importance:

Quadrant 1: Urgent and Important – urgent and important tasks, such as emergencies or deadlines.
Quadrant 2: Not Urgent but Important – tasks that are important but not urgent, such as planning, strategic thinking, or personal development.
Quadrant 3: Urgent but Not Important – urgent but unimportant tasks, such as interruptions or unnecessary meetings.
Quadrant 4: Not Urgent and Not Important – tasks that are neither urgent nor important, such as time-wasting activities or distractions.

Eisenhower MatrixJRC - Jenny Reilly Consulting, Vancouver Executive Coach

The idea behind the Eisenhower Matrix is to ensure you spend time focusing on Quadrant 2 tasks, as these are important tasks that often get neglected due to the urgent demands of Quadrant 1. By prioritizing Quadrant 2 tasks, people can work proactively towards their long-term goals and avoid being overwhelmed by urgent but less important tasks.

The Tomato Technique, Aka The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time-management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It is named after the Italian word for “tomato,” as Cirillo used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer as a student to track his work intervals.

When I first heard about this technique decades ago, I was not initially attracted as I am allergic to tomatoes (actual fact). That being said, anything that I can try that will improve my efficiency and productivity, I will always give it a try.

The Pomodoro Technique involves breaking work into 25-minute intervals, called “pomodoros,” followed by a short break of 3-5 minutes. After four pomodoros, take a more extended break of 15-30 minutes.

During each Pomodoro, you focus on a single task without any distractions or interruptions. The steps of the Pomodoro Technique are as follows:

  • Choose a task to work on.
  • Set the timer for 25 minutes and start working on the task.
  • When the timer rings, take a 3-5 minute break.
  • After four pomodoros, take a more extended break of 15-30 minutes.
  • Repeat the process until the task is completed.

The Pomodoro Technique can help you stay focused, avoid distractions, and manage your time more efficiently. It also encourages you to take regular breaks, which can help prevent burnout and increase productivity in the long run. Give it a try, and let me know how you find this technique.

Tomato Technique - Jenny Reilly Consulting

The Power Of Saying NO: A Core Leadership Skill

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, saying “yes” to everything that comes our way can be tempting. However, learning to say “no” is crucial for leaders who want to stay focused, productive, and true to their values.

By setting clear boundaries and prioritizing your time and energy, you can avoid burnout, reduce stress, and make more meaningful contributions to your organization.

Remember, saying “no” is not about being selfish or uncooperative. It’s about owning your time and energy and making choices that align with your goals and values.

Saying “no” can also create opportunities for growth and learning. Turning down tasks or projects unaligned with your goals can free up time and resources to pursue more meaningful or challenging activities. This can help you build new skills, expand your network, and develop a stronger sense of purpose and fulfillment. It’s important to remember that saying “no” is not a one-time decision but an ongoing process. As your priorities and circumstances change, you may need to adjust your boundaries and make different choices about allocating your time and energy. By staying aware and intentional, you can continue to grow and evolve as a leader.

Finally, it’s worth acknowledging that saying “no” can be difficult, especially in cultures or environments where overwork and “yes-man” mentalities are the norm. However, by modelling healthy boundaries and prioritization, leaders can inspire others to do the same, creating a more sustainable and compassionate work culture for everyone.

I encourage you to reflect on your boundaries and priorities.

  • Are there areas where you could benefit from saying “no” more often?
  • How can you communicate your boundaries effectively and respectfully to others?

If you want more information or support on this topic, you can book a 30-minute complimentary consultation to find out how Jenny Reilly Consulting can help you. Please email to coordinate a convenient consultation time.


Jenny Reilly Consulting, Vancouver Executive Coach