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Tactics to Help You in Periods of Professional Transitions

Do you find yourself answering “YES” to any of the questions below?

  • Are you making or thinking about a career transition this year?
  • Are you in the process of turning your business, department, or team around?
  • Have you recently been promoted and struggling to determine what to focus on first?
  • Are you considering a move into a different area of the business or a geographical move in your job?
  • Are you in the position where you now lead some of your former peers?

Your professional life is made up of one transition after another. All professional transitions provides you with the ability to shine, falter or fail. Shine, and you will advance. Falter, and you may lose the credibility and trust of your colleagues. Fail, and you may not recover if you don’t have the right attitude or outlook to learn from your mistakes and move forward.

‘What got you here won’t get you there.’
~ Marshall Goldsmith

 Steps to Help During Professional Transitions

  1. Determine what you need to learn – fast. How does the company, unit or team operate? Who has influence and why? What internal and external alliances can help support you in your role?
  2. Identify your ‘A’ priorities. Along with A priorities, integrate changes that need to be made in the structure and processes to increase efficiency, productivity and the triple bottom line.
  3. Outline your vision, goals and strategic intent in the position. Be communicative and transparent.
  4. Build your team. If you are taking over leading a team, evaluate your people. Determine if they are in the right seat, need development or are not a good fit.
  5. Focus on early wins. Identify the most pressing weaknesses and make the necessary changes to turn those around. This will help you build credibility in your position.

‘ You only know what you know.’
~ Loretta Swit

If you have any questions about professional transitions or want to learn more on the powerful benefits of executive coaching to elevate your success, please contact us or reach out directly to and book a complimentary 30-minute strategy session.

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So many people go through life without a personal vision. If you are one of those individuals (don’t worry, I was too), it is not too late. The following questions will help you think about what your personal vision could look like. Your personal vision should guide you in all other aspects of your life.

  • If you could project ten years from today, where will you be, what will you be doing and who will you be with?
  • If you attain your vision, what would you be doing differently than you are today?
  • Will you commit to taking the actions needed to reach your vision?
  • What obstacles or challenges do you feel you may have to overcome to attain your vision?
  • What support do you need, and from whom to get started, stay motivated and keep accountable?
  • Have you shared your vision with anyone?
  • Share it, review it regularly and commit to moving it forward by continuous execution of ACTION.


‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’
– Mary Oliver



  1. Develop a PERSONAL VISION – what do you want to do, where do you want to go and how do you
    want to feel? See it, feel it, imagine it.
  2. Set GOALS that will help you achieve your vision. Goals will help you identify actions required for execution. Prioritize your goals and define what you need to focus on per quarter moving forward. List the goals that you will work on through to completion next quarter.
  3. For each goal, PLAN the keystone actions required for every week of the quarter (12 weeks) to produce the results you are looking to achieve. When possible, list action items that can be completed within one week. These will drive your weekly and daily plans.
  4. Commit to working on the WEEKLY ACTIONS. Don’t lose traction. Even when you don’t feel like working on one of the actions, remain true to your commitments. Continuous execution of actions will ensure you retain momentum.
  5. Every Monday, spend 15-30 minutes conducting a WEEKLY REVIEW (what you focused on the week prior) and weekly preview (what you will focus on this week). Your weekly plan will help you map out the actions required in your schedule. Do not skip this step! This will help you MEASURE your weekly success and identify areas that need your attention and improvement.



Our days are often taken up by items we have not planned or scheduled. To allow time in your schedule to work on priorities, I suggest you allocate three periods in your weekly schedule to increase your efficiency and enable greater focus on tasks required for goal attainment.


This three-hour period is scheduled, not interruptible and prioritized in your weekly plan. During this time, turn your notifications off. Don’t answer the phone during this period, and if in an office, close your door. This time will require 100% of your focus and should never be bumped. It will help you dig deep into strategic activities and get things done.


Schedule one 30-minute period in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Use this time to make/answer phone calls, return voice mail, answer/send emails, and deal with low-value activities.


Use this time to get away from your computer and perform face-to-face activities. Lunch or coffee with colleagues/clients/stakeholders. This time helps you focus on priority relationships that require your full attention.


‘Unless commitment is made, there are only promise and hopes; but no plans.’
– Peter Drucker



‘Once I have a holiday, I will have more energy.’
‘When we hire additional resources, we will be more organized.’
‘When the economy picks up, things will be better.’
‘Things will settle down after our busy period, and we will have more time to work on process improvements.’

Stop waiting for things to change. Make the change. You have control of one thing – your actions.

Take responsibility for the actions you take.

Commit to focusing on your actions to make your vision a reality, be self-accountable, and consistently execute on what needs to be done.

No more excuses, demonstrate your commitment – let’s get going.


Technology is excellent. However, how often do we get so distracted by it and forget to be in the moment? Alerts pinging, social notices, text messages… all take you away from being in the present. It is almost as though the fear of missing out outweighs social interaction conventions, whether in a professional or social setting. Being continually on is exhausting, stressful, and often a factor of burnout.

How much will you miss if you don’t look at your phone when you are in a meeting or when talking to one of your colleagues, clients, or stakeholders?

I encourage you this week to SLOW DOWN, be present and focus on one thing at a time. You will be surprised by how much you get done and how better you feel.


Choose one thing that would make a significant difference if you did it daily in your professional or personal life.

Got it? Now commit to doing it daily for one quarter. The simple act of consistently executing on a critical action item that will help you be better in your job or personal life will benefit you fivefold.


‘There’s no such thing as work-life balance. There are work-life choices, and you make them, and they have consequences.’
– Jack Welch


If you have any questions about personal visions, or want to learn more on the powerful benefits of executive coaching to elevate your professional success, please reach out to +1 604-616-1967 or and book a complimentary 30-minute strategy session. If you want monthly leadership and professional development tips, sign up for my JRC newsletter or check out my social media on Instagram for top leadership advice throughout the year.


Take A Break | Forest Bathing Vs. Beach Bathing

As an Australian living in Canada, at this time of year, when I am seeing my family and friends post pictures of being at the beach, I am very envious. Going to the beach was one of my favourite pastimes that I had to swap for going into the forest.

Forest Bathing Vs. Beach Bathing

Having a 90-pound bernadoodle that requires a great deal of exercise, my go-to, favourite thing to do is to go for long walks in the forest or along the waterfront.

As I put on multiple layers to go outside in Vancouver, Canada, these breaks in my routine help refresh and rejuvenate me.

Now you may have heard of the term ‘Forest Bathing,’ and if not, excuse me while I briefly explain.

This term was initially coined in Japan and called Shinrin-Yoku, a.k.a forest bathing. In stressful positions, we can forget how many hours daily we spend behind our screen, lose track of time and work through even when our energy, focus and productivity are waning.

A short walk outside, around the block, or if you are fortunate enough to live near a forest, a walk in the woods can be a great way to help you reenergize and motivate yourself.

When walking in the forest, especially when I am with my daughter and bernedoodle, we practice being mindful, meditative walking, or simply being aware of what we SEE, HEAR, SMELL or TOUCH. Turn off your cell phone, walk slowly, often stop and look around and engage your senses.

If you are not already, schedule time in your day to get outside and take a break.

The return on investment for your focus and productivity will be threefold.


Do you feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to take a break. Are you overwhelmed by all your priorities? Get in touch today to see how we can help.

If you are interested in learning about how professional development or executive coaching can help support your leadership or your leadership team, please reach out to to schedule a convenient time for a complimentary strategy session.

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