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Time for a Temperature Check: Assess and Elevate Your Performance

Step Outside Your Routine

Take a moment to step back from your daily grind. Imagine assessing how you perform, interact with your team, or manage your business from an outsider’s perspective.

This fresh viewpoint can be transformative there’s always room for improvement. Consider these questions:


Performance: Are there any inefficiencies in workflow areas you haven’t noticed before? What tasks can be delegated or streamlined to improve your productivity?

Team Interaction: How effectively do you communicate with your team? Are there any recurring miscommunications or conflicts that need to be addressed?

Business Management: Are your business processes as efficient as they could be? Are there any outdated practices that could be updated or replaced with more effective methods?

Customer/Client Relations: How do your customers or clients perceive your service? Are there any areas where their feedback indicates a need for improvement?

Personal Growth: Are you setting aside time for your professional development? What new skills or knowledge could benefit you and your role?


Common Frustrations Professionals Face

Do any of these frustrations resonate with you?

1. Control: Struggling to manage your time or schedule, feeling like your position or business controls you.
2. People: Challenges with internal or external relationships.
3. Growth: Feeling stuck and overwhelmed, unable to improve despite your best efforts.
4. Money: Insufficient profits or stagnant career financial progress.
5. Results: Trying new strategies without seeing the desired outcomes.


Tangible Takeaways to Overcome These Frustrations

1. Regain Control:

(i) Prioritize and Delegate: Identify and focus on your most important tasks. Delegate less critical tasks to others who can handle them effectively.

(ii) Time Management Techniques: To manage your time better, use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (work in 25-minute intervals followed by a short 5-minute break which will help you maintain focus and productivity), time blocking (divide your day into specific blocks of time dedicated to particular tasks ensuring focus and efficient use of your time), or setting specific goals for each day.

(iii) Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time to ensure a healthier balance and prevent burnout.

2. Improve People Relationships

(i) Effective Communication: Practice active listening, clear and concise communication, and empathy in your interactions.

(ii) Conflict Resolution: Address conflicts directly and constructively. Seek to understand the other person’s perspective and work towards a mutually beneficial solution.

(iii) Team Building: Invest in team-building activities that strengthen relationships and foster a positive work environment.

3. Achieve Growth

(i) Continuous Learning: Commit to ongoing professional development through courses, workshops, or reading. Stay updated with industry trends and best practices.

(ii) Set Clear Goals: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) growth goals. Review quarterly and adjust them as needed.

(iii) Seek Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from peers, mentors, or supervisors to gain insights into areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.

4. Enhance Financial Progress

(i) Financial Planning: Create a detailed budget and financial plan for your business or career. Track your income and expenses to identify areas where you can cut costs or increase revenue.

(ii) Diversify Income Streams: Explore additional income opportunities, such as side projects, investments, or new business ventures.

(iii) Invest in Yourself: Consider investing in skills or certifications to enhance your earning potential and career prospects.

5. Achieve Desired Results

(i) Review and Adjust Strategies: Review your strategies regularly. Identify what’s working and what isn’t and be willing to make necessary adjustments.

(ii) Focus on Execution: Ensure you have a clear plan and actionable steps to achieve your goals. Focus on consistent and disciplined execution of your plans.

(iii) Measure Progress: Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your progress and outcomes. This will help you stay on track and make informed decisions based on data.


You can improve your control, relationships, growth, financial progress, and results by addressing these common frustrations with practical solutions. Remember, minor changes compound and lead to significant improvements over time.

We all strive to excel in our roles and work with colleagues, team members, or employees who share our goals and operate with accountability.

Through my work with coaching professionals and consulting with organizations, I help leaders and teams excel. My focus areas include:

1. Driving Growth and Performance
2. Enhancing Leadership Skills
3. Creating Workplaces that Attract, Retain, and Develop Great Employees
4. Balancing Professional Responsibilities
5. Facilitating Transitions


Tactical Ideas for Immediate Action in each of these five areas follow:


1. Driving Growth and Performance

(i) Weekly Review Sessions: Dedicate 30 minutes at the end of each week to reviewing your week and previewing the following week. Review your progress on your past week’s objectives, set new priorities for the upcoming week, and plan for our meetings and deadlines in advance. Reflect weekly on what you are doing that works, what doesn’t, and at least one area in which you can improve.

(ii) Goal Setting: Break your larger goals into smaller, actionable steps. Set weekly and daily targets to maintain momentum and track your progress.

(iii) Feedback Loop: Establish a regular feedback loop with your team or a mentor. Constructive feedback can highlight blind spots and areas for growth.

2. Enhancing Leadership Skills

(i) Daily Reflection: Spend 10 minutes at the end of each day reflecting on your leadership actions. Identify one thing you did well and one area for improvement. This consistent practice will help you grow as a leader.

(ii) Leadership Development Plan: Create a personal development plan focusing on critical leadership skills you want to improve. Set specific, measurable goals and timelines.

(iii) Peer Learning: Engage with other leaders through networking events or forums. Learning from peers can provide new insights and strategies.

3. Creating Workplaces that Attract, Retain, and Develop Great Employees

(i) Employee Recognition: Implement a daily or weekly practice of recognizing one team member’s contribution. This can be a simple shout-out in a meeting, giving kudos in a communication channel, or a thank-you note. Recognition fosters a positive work environment and increases employee engagement.

(ii) Professional Development: Invest in training and development opportunities for your team. This will enhance their skills and show your commitment to their growth.

(iii) Open Communication: Foster a culture of open communication where employees feel safe to express ideas and concerns. Regular check-ins and anonymous feedback tools can be helpful.

4. Balancing Professional Responsibilities

(i) Mindfulness Breaks: Take three 5-minute mindfulness breaks throughout your day. Use this time to meditate, stretch, or breathe deeply. This practice can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

(ii) Time Blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time for activities. Stick to these blocks to ensure a balanced approach to your day.

(iii) Digital Detox: Set boundaries for digital device usage, especially after work hours. This can help you disconnect and recharge.

5. Facilitating Transitions

(i) Transition Planning: Allocate time each month to plan and document upcoming transitions or changes in your portfolio of responsibility or business. Identify potential challenges and develop strategies to address them. This proactive approach can ease the stress of transitions and ensure smoother operations.

(ii) Role Clarification: During transitions, clearly define roles and responsibilities. This helps set expectations and avoid confusion.

(iii) Support Systems: Establish support systems, such as mentorship programs or transition teams, to assist during periods of change.


Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation now or email us at to schedule a convenient time.