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Persistence: The Power of Perseverance in Achieving Long-Term Goals

Time Management: Mastering Your Priorities


The Power of Prioritization:

Effective time management is not just about doing more in less time but about doing the right things at the right time. As leaders, it’s crucial to identify our highest priorities and align our daily activities with our long-term goals. This involves delegating lesser tasks when appropriate and carving out time on the calendar for strategic thinking and important projects. Remember, managing your time well is equivalent to managing your life well, and it’s a key step towards achieving your long-term goals.


Action Steps:

  • Audit Your Time: For one week, track how you spend your hours. Identify time wasters and look for patterns where you can consolidate similar tasks.
  • Set Clear Priorities: Each morning, determine the three most crucial tasks that will make your day successful and focus on completing them first.
  • Use Technology Wisely: Leverage tools and apps designed to improve productivity and minimize distractions, like task management software or focus-enhancing apps.


Communication: Building Strong Connections


Adapting to Your Audience:

Effective leaders understand that communication is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour. It’s essential to tailor your approach (verbal and written) to suit the diverse preferences of your team members, internal and external stakeholders, and clients. Adapting your style to meet varying needs can significantly enhance the strength of your connections and productivity.


Action Steps:

  • Listen Actively: Make a conscious effort to listen more than you speak. Understand the underlying messages, not just the words.
  • Regular Feedback: Provide constructive feedback in a timely manner. Make it specific, actionable, and focused on behaviour rather than personality.
  • Practice Transparency: Communicate the “why” behind decisions to foster trust and alignment within your team.


Meeting Management: Enhancing Efficiency


Streamlining Decision-Making:

Effective meetings are crucial for making decisions and ensuring team alignment. Preparation, an agenda, clear objectives, resulting actions, and timelines are key to managing meetings that are both efficient and productive.


Action Steps:

  • Prepare an Agenda: Always circulate a clear agenda before the meeting. Include topics, objectives, and times allotted for each section.
  • Encourage Participation and decision-making: Use strategies like asking open-ended questions to encourage everyone’s contribution and keep the meeting dynamic. If a decision is to be made in the meeting, ensure it is made and communicated with clarity.
  • Follow Up: End each meeting with clear action items, responsibilities, and timelines. Within 24 hours, send out a summary to ensure everyone is on the same page.


Presence: Commanding Respect and Attention


Acting with Intention:

A leader’s presence is about the ability to command attention and inspire action. This requires self-awareness, control over your emotions, and the ability to project confidence even under pressure.


Action Steps:

  • Be Consistently Engaged: Show genuine interest in your interactions, whether in person or virtual. Maintain eye contact, nod your understanding, and avoid distractions.
  • Set the Tone: Your demeanour sets the tone for your team. Use a calm, confident voice and body language that conveys openness and respect.
  • Reflect on Your Impact: Regularly reflect on how others perceive your presence. Seek feedback and be willing to adjust to maintain or enhance your effectiveness.


In closing this month’s newsletter, we hope that these practical action steps will enhance your effectiveness in these areas, driving better results and stronger team dynamics.

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How Well Have You and Your Company Adapted in 2020?

Being Adaptable is Critical

2020 has proven how adaptable we are; despite a global pandemic, we have had to work out ways to be better and do better. We have been confronted with continual challenges over the past nine months, situations and problems that we did not have the answers to, or possibly even professional competence to navigate the depth of the unknown.


Has your company adapted well


Have you thrived during this time of uncertainty?


Have you been stressed, overwhelmed and challenged in thinking creatively and innovatively in dealing with new scenarios?


Why Is It Important to Be Adaptable?

Being adaptable to change is a crucial behaviour that you need to focus on to succeed in business. Being able to adapt helps us adjust to the evolving conditions and function when we are in discomfort, change, or conflict. For many, working during the pandemic has opened us up to new opportunities; we have had to strengthen our ability to adapt and do so overnight. 


Resilience, Humility and Adaptability

During this period, leaders who are thriving have come through strongly as they have shown resilience, humility, and the ability to be adaptable while under a great deal of pressure. They have taken on a new way of working, communicating, improvising off old practices and habits, and developing skills needed to be honed to work in this new environment. 



Exponential Leadership Growth

I have seen exponential leadership growth as individuals have taken a step into the unfamiliar, engaged with their clients and employees in an entirely different way and been focused on adapting and leveraging their businesses. Leaders have been purposeful in their communication, ensured it is timely, consistent and action moving forward is transparent. Leaders have had to let go of plans and goals that are no longer relevant and be open to pivoting quickly, with intent and openness to the unexpected. They have to focus on doing and being better in their leadership position, ensuring those around them are informed of changes and are comfortable with discomfort. 


Leaders Story

‘I shared my leadership vulnerabilities with my team, and I was honest about where we stood in the business, what we had to change quickly to plug our hemorrhaging costs and the support I needed from them. This conversation was one that I feared; however, it ended up being the best one I have ever had with my team. Honest dialogue in a difficult time was needed, and my team understood that we had to innovate fast and work in a completely different way to get through COVID.’

Adaptable Work Space

Meeting Tips to Encourage Being Adaptable

To be adaptive, we need to be curious and ask questions. Whether you are used to doing a morning huddle and have moved to a virtual daily meeting or have maintained weekly team meetings, I encourage you to practice the following:

-when an idea is presented, ask why it is important

-when an assumption is provided, ask for the data to back it up and analyze deeply

-be curious, flexible and open to different perspectives, and ask questions

-be willing to make decisions fast and pivot as necessary

-encourage open dialogue, be honest if you have concerns and transparent if there are issues that you foresee 

-be open-minded to a new or alternate way of doing things

-draw on your grayscale or integrative thinking mindset to help you be more innovative and figure out ways around roadblocks

-increase your risk tolerance level, don’t shy away from failure to achieve a win or success, and

-stay focused on what is important and believe that you will succeed


Professional Development

Being adaptable enables us to see new approaches to the way we do business and will open up business models that we may not have considered previously, such as remote work practices or hybrid models as our new norm. We need to be open to new mental modes in business and invest in the professional development needed to thrive in this new time. A focus on employee development in digital, emotional, social, problem-solving, resilience and adaptability skills should be a focus. 


Adapted work


What professional development areas will you be focusing on in 2021?

If you are interested in learning about professional development or executive coaching options for your leadership or team, please reach out to to schedule a convenient time for a complimentary strategy session.