Tips and tricks for Professional Development.

What Type of Leader Do You Want to Be?

Defining the Type of Leader You Are

As our businesses adjust to the global pandemic, this period has been understandably stressful. New protocols, measures and considerations have been required to ensure a safe and gradual reopening of the economy. We have had to recalibrate the way we work and live.  Organizational climates have changed significantly. By that I mean the work environment experienced by an employee, where they work (from in-person to virtual, to hybrid models) and how they feel about work. Leading from a core set of principals is quite different from leading from a place of self-preservation. A leader who is driving progress and innovation, ensures fairness, and creates opportunities for all can be a real motivator for staff. Doing the right things for employees first and foremost, mentoring and supporting as required and paying positivity forward helps equate to team results.

Effective Type of Leader

We have all had experiences in our career where we have worked with an effective and enthusiastic leader, and the opposite side of the spectrum a reactive and rushed leader. It is important to note that we can also move from being one to another if we do not remain mindful of how we are connecting with people and managing our stress levels. COVID has been a real test for many leaders, how are you fairing?

Remaining Diligent

We need to remain diligent in checking in and identifying our behaviour and energy levels. We will be more intentional in having a substantially increased number of good days in comparison to bad if we do so. At the end of the day it is really quite simple, do you want to feel energized and enthusiastic in your position, or exhausted and frustrated by the little you have accomplished? Without adjustment of our attitude and behaviour, our days can slide into weeks, months and easily years of being a certain type of leader.

Which column do you more resonate with today?


Dissatisfied and Burnt OutMotivated and Focused
   I feel like I have to be on 24/7.   I have a good sense of purpose and know that I am having an impact.
   I have too much to do, in too little time.   I am focused on goal attainment and result achievement.
   I can’t focus on the long-term vision as the daily grind takes up all my energy.   I enjoy and am satisfied with the work that I am doing.
   I am so busy and tired; I don’t have the energy to motivate my team. I need them to see what I am doing, step up, show more interest and take on more.   I have great collegial connection and synergy with those in the team – real flow.
   I don’t have the time or resources to work on my own professional development. Seriously, professional development is not even on my radar.   I am passionate about continually developing both professionally and personally. I am driven and am ambitious to do better and be better.



I am the first to admit that there can be a fine line between being highly engaged and a continuous producer of exceptional results, to being burnt-out. I can think of one of my leadership roles that I derived great satisfaction in for an extended period of time. I attained consistent results, had a brilliant team of dedicated and motivated staff that I enjoyed working with, was happy to take on more and more responsibility, and never said no to an innovative project. However, a change occurred at the executive level that impacted the culture of the unit. Values were no longer aligned, nor was there appreciation, trust or recognition of efforts. The day-to-day sacrifices, expectation of working 12+ hour days and being on call 24/7 was understandably not worth the personal and professional sacrifices. This resulted in a stalled career, inability to grow as I would not promote the flawed culture to my team and stakeholders, in addition to a negative impact on my health. The ripple effect of this experience cascaded through my team and directly onto my family. When you are not operating at your optimal leadership and performance level it can ultimately affect all aspects of your professional and personal life. My best learning experience on how ‘NOT’ to lead, and one that ultimately changed my professional trajectory from that period onward.


When there is the ability to continually develop, grow and stretch into new opportunities, a direct result can be found in greater job satisfaction, engagement and bottom-line results for all levels in an organization.

Questions for you to ponder:

  1. Are you doing your best work? Does it have meaning, impact and is it making a difference?
  2. What type of leader are you being?
  3. Are your professional practices, or routines working for or against you?
  4. How can you raise your game on the professional and personal front?
  5. What can you be doing to help raise the game of others around you?
  6. Do you lead from a position of trust and support, or stress and ego?


In my leadership and development consultancy I work with leaders and teams locally and globally to improve their ability to drive business performance and increase productivity. I focus on helping and equipping clients with skills and tactics to enable them to become a better type of leader and achieve their professional, and personal best. I help individuals to move from feeling dissatisfied and burnt out to motivated, energized and focused.

Contact Me

If this article has resonated with you and you would like to move from being dissatisfied and burnt out, to motivated and focused please reach out to


Make this week a great one.





Breaking the Inertia and Old Workplace Systems

Breaking the Inertia of Current Life

The implementation of transformative business practices and increased digital processes have been a direct result of COVID-19. At breakneck speed, a significant change has occurred in the way we work, and it is frankly long overdue. The traditional workplace systems have pivoted, and as employee safety continues to be our priority, we have transitioned to remote, or hybrid models and become proficient in videoconferencing, adopting better methods of communication, task tracking, and collaborative team practices.

Current Economic Environment

We know that it has understandably not all been smooth sailing through COVID; however, people and companies have adapted by changing their workplace systems. We will continue to be in a state of flux until a vaccine is available and need to ensure that we implement sufficient measures to retain and improve our company culture for our employees. Many employees miss the in-person day to day interaction, helpful side-bar conversations, and the energy that comes from working in a physical space together. On the flip side, McKinsey’s research has indicated that ’80 % of people questioned enjoy working from home. Forty-one percent say that they are more productive than before and 28% that they are as productive.’


Workplace Systems

What To Do Now

It is now time to focus on rethinking the way we work, reinventing the business structure, removing unnecessary boundaries, and reshaping the way we attract, develop, and retain talent.



Ten questions for you to ponder:

  1. Reimagine how you can improve your workplace systems. What work is essential in-person, and what can be done remotely for the long term?
  2. How can you reinvent your workplace and redefine your physical business space?
  3. How will you ensure that company culture remains a priority?
  4. How will you create an excellent experience for employees, whether they are on-site, remote or working in a hybrid model?
  5. Will providing the option of remote, or hybrid hires increase your talent pool?
  6. What additional safety precautions should you provide in addition to social distancing, wearing masks, hand-washing stations, and restricted entry and exit protocols?
  7. Can you improve the utilization of flex office space?
  8. What level of employee upskilling, training and support is required for employees?
  9. How can you improve or integrate seamless online and in-person collaboration?
  10. How can you utilize technology and data in your organization to speed up decision making?

Workplace Systems



Leaders are breaking the inertia; many have implemented significant changes as a direct result of COVID. These changes have resulted in a ‘reset,’ or ‘unblocking’ of stagnant ways, and the ability to indeed lead with a visionary focus.

Get in Touch

If you need help breaking some of your long-standing Workplace Systems issues, developing your team, or planning the next best steps to take within the organization, please email or book a 15-minute complimentary strategy session directly on


Workplace Systems


What is the Value of Having an Executive Coach in Vancouver?

Does Executive Coaching Help my Business?

In this time of Covid-19, my consulting practice has been receiving an increasing number of queries regarding executive coaching and leadership support directly from individuals in C-Suite positions, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and HR practitioners for organizational leadership teams.


Executives and leaders appreciate that in a time of crisis, with complex business environments, executive coaching in Vancouver can nurture performance, provide support, build resilience, and foster continuous leadership development.


executive coach in Vancouver

As an executive coach in Vancouver, I specialize in strategy and focus on high-performance objectives with clients. I am not a life coach nor psychologist. Upfront in all query conversations, I first determine if the fit will be a good one for both the coachee and myself, that there will be an honest and authentic conversation, and confirm the rationale for the coaching relationship. Once the fit is determined, I review the value proposition of executive coaching, return on investment, and expected results. We determine coaching expectations, and I help the individual define the best path forward.

Executive Coaching for Small Businesses

Through executive coaching techniques, I challenge clients to lift their performance, leverage possibilities and opportunities, nurture their skill sets, and define how they can address challenges. As a strategist, I guide clients in the process of solving their problems, leaning into opportunities, and proactively setting out and executing on their goals. I share alternate perspectives, challenge current thinking, and encourage the setting of personal standards of performance. We work on areas of challenge, the development of strengths, and celebrate every victory or breakthrough along the way.


executive coach in Vancouver


What are the Results?

Strategy aside, the bottom line is helping leaders achieve their professional and personal best so they can work better, live bigger, be happier, and achieve more. Coachees can expect to experience the following results:

  1. The setting of ambitious goals and a personalized roadmap for professional and personal success
  2. Increased productivity and standards of performance
  3. Focused investment of time, energy and attention
  4. More time as practices and habits that are no longer serving are eliminated. So too are distractions, timewasters, and stressors
  5. Reacquired mojo around a passion for work, personal wellbeing, and life.


executive coach in Vancouver


An executive coach in Vancouver does not magically change a person; an individual has to want to change, develop, and grow. We work on areas concerning:

  • Performance and engagement in the context of working in a team
  • Awareness of the type of relationships fostered in and outside of work
  • Identifying the potential for change, desire to make the change and obstacles to be addressed to enable the change to take place


Get in Touch

I onboard a maximum of seven new coaching clients monthly, if an executive coach in Vancouver is of interest to you, please do reach out to me.


For general program information, please email or call +1-604-616-1967. If you would like to jump on a 15-minute discovery call, please book directly into my Calendly appointment schedule.






Business Consulting from Crisis to Planning for our ‘New’ Future

Our New Future

COVID-19 has seen the establishment of crisis management across the majority of industry sectors globally. In Canada, over the last three months, we have moved from survival to resilience and are now in the recovery stage. Companies have had to work faster and smarter to retain their competitive advantage. Many are now planning how they will re-organize, operate, and utilize technology to endure long-term success.


I believe the next six months will be our toughest test as we reimage our business models. The future of work will be more flexible, cross-functional, have dynamic networks, be more agile and digital. From a business consulting perspective, I am working with clients on areas such as strategizing on revenue recovery, pivoting or refocusing of resources, operation rebuilds, acceleration of digitization, and rethinking the future of the operation.


Four critical areas of focus I encourage through business consulting to clients include:


  1. Making Decisions Quickly – speed matters in this stage of recovery. Covid-19 has accelerated remote work options, digitization, and advanced analytics to enable faster decisions. Companies need to get ahead of the competition and position themselves for the long term. Positioning will be accomplished through continuous action, the cadence of tasks focused on revenue-generating opportunities, and the agility of human and capital resources.


  1. Operation Rebuild – the pandemic has changed service and product demand across industries. Companies adapted quickly; however, operating under new conditions was stressful and has taken a toll on human resources. The sustainment of the same level of performance post-crisis is now the issue. Companies are rebuilding, keeping in mind flexibility options for the safety of their staff and clients, and transparent operations through digitizing services. With the increase in remote workforce, companies will need to increase spending in training, workforce engagement, and support for employees in return to a ‘new’ normal through operation rebuild processes.


  1.  Organization Rethink – there are multiple examples of how organizations have had to rethink how they would respond to COVID-19 restrictions and were quick and creative. The new way of operation, quick decision making, clear objectives, and focused teams are here to stay as they are essential in achieving a competitive advantage. Flatter decision making, dynamic, and agile teams enable improved decision making and faster results. Talent acquisition and retention will be critical moving forward to facilitate positive work experiences in this changing world of work.
  1. Going Digital – Digital adoption has been accelerated over the last few months and transformed the way we interact with others. The migration of digital technologies expedited remote work digital access and, over the upcoming months, will focus on the e-commerce experience, distribution models, contactless skills, and improved demand forecasting.

Questions for you to Consider:

  1. What is not going well in your business?
  2. Is this problem the most important that needs solving? What is the real context of the problem?
  3. What have you tried previously to solve this problem, and what results did you attain?
  4. If you were to resolve these issues, how would you apply the solutions and ensure you would win acceptance by employees?

Business Consulting Can:

  • Diagnose a company issue and underlying problem
  • Provide solution recommendations and implementation assistance to decrease barriers and lead to improvement
  • Build consensus and commitment to the corrective action
  • Facilitate new learning, and
  • Improve organizational effectiveness.

Business Consulting

Contact Information

There is a lot to be done over the next six months, and every business requires a focused strategy to recover. If you need assistance or would like to discuss options for consideration, please reach out me on 604-616-1967, or


Jenny Reilly, CEO

Jenny Reilly Consulting